Moments - NayiPathshala


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If X is a random variable, the rth moment of X, usually denoted by μ'r is defined as
                                       Î¼'= δ[X']
if the expectation exists.
Note that μ'1 = δ[X] = μ'x the mean of X.

Central moments 

If X is a random variable, the rth central moment of X about a is defined as δ[(X - a)r] If a =  Î¼x, we have the rth  central moment of X about  Î¼'x, denoted by  Î¼r which is
                               Î¼r = δ[(X - μ'x)r]

Note that  Î¼1 = δ[(X - μ'x)] = 0 and μ2 = δ[(X - μ'x)2], the variance of X. Also, note that all odd moments of X about μ'x are 0 if the density function of X is symmetrical about μ'x, provided such moments exist. In the ensuing few paragraphs we will comment on how the first four moments of a random variable or density are used as measures of various M .characteristics of the corresponding density. For some of these characteristics,  other measures can be defined in terms of quantiles.


The qth quantile of a random variable X or of its corresponding distribution is denoted by ξ and is defined as the smallest number e satisfying Fx(ξ) ≥ q.
     If X is a continuous random variable, then the qth quantile of X is given as the smallest number ξ satisfying Fx(ξ) = q. 


The median of a random variable X, denoted by med x , med (X), or ξ50, is the .5th quantile.


In some texts the median of X is alternatively defined as any number, say med (X), satisfying P[X ≤ med (X)] ≥ 1/2 and P[X ≥ med (X)] ≥ 1/2· If X is a continuous random variable, then the median of X satisfies

                   ∫lim(-∞ ,med x)fx(x)dx = 1/2 =  ∫lim(med x , -∞)fx(x)dx 

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